Articles: 1999

Column Pooh-poohing Water Problems is Polluted with Inaccuracies

the Washington TimesJanuary 01, 1999

Endangered Species Act Deserves Extinction

Michael FumentoJanuary 01, 1999

Environmental Groups Rightly Fear Backlash Over Toy Ban Campaign

Michael FumentoJanuary 01, 1999

Frog Follies

Hudson Institute, Inc.January 01, 1999

Helicopter Safety Blind Side

News World Communications, Inc.January 01, 1999

How Media Made Parkinson's A 'Man-Made' Disease

Investor’s Business DailyJanuary 01, 1999

Hypoxia Hype in the Gulf of Mexico

the Washington TimesJanuary 01, 1999

Hypoxia Hysteria

Forbes, Inc.January 01, 1999

Leaders & Success — Bruce Ames

Michael FumentoJanuary 01, 1999

More for Less

Reason MagazineJanuary 01, 1999