Advice & Dissent

Want the real deal on what's happening in Ramadi, the most terror-infested city in Iraq and "the graveyard of the Americans," as graffiti around town declare? It's in my new article "The New Band of Brothers: With the 101st Airborne in Ramadi." It includes lots of my photos and…Read More
According to CNN, "Polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea may be turning to cannibalism because longer seasons without ice keep them from getting to their natural food, a new study by American and Canadian scientists has found." Um, excuse me but isn't cannibalism merely a…Read More
Oh, no! "Study: global warming boosts poison ivy," declares the Associated Press headline. "Another reason to worry about global warming: more and itchier poison ivy," reads the lede. Having had a couple of nasty brushes (literally) with the stuff, that's all I need to know. Not…Read More
Yes Virginia, there is an Iraq outside of Baghdad. And there are lots of neat things to photograph besides the latest victims of a Baghdad bombing. Here's a slideshow presentation of 250 of them, from darling tykes to fierce fighting, to one of the strangest war injuries you'll…Read More
Jonathan Yardley, in his Washington Post review of Steven Poole's book "Unspeak," ("Fighting Words," May 24) gives examples of terms that try "to sell you something." One example: "'Intelligent Design' suggests that those who are faithful to the Darwinian theory of evolution are…Read More