Advice & Dissent

I found the new movie "The Wolfman" quite enjoyable. It certainly doesn't do justice to the adage, "Once bitten, twice shy!""I hate this five o'clock shadow!" Ah, but then there was what appears to be a little dig at what's euphemistically called "enhanced interrogation." I…Read More, the premier online resource for automotive information, has obtained and reviewed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) complaint database. A key finding: Toyota was the subject of 9.1 percent of the complaints from 2001 through 2010 (through…Read More
Regarding yesterday's blog post, "Indians objecting to paleface wind farms," I received constructive criticism contained wholly in the subject line, which I repeat verbatim: "The Objections to Wind Farms - you -- a--r-e an idot." I stand duly chastened.Read More
Yesterday I wrote that a scare over a scleroderma cluster in South Boston had been resolved when the state department of health found no links to anything manmade, but rather than the sufferers were simply genetically more inclined to developing the disease. But now Florida…Read More
Despite massive subsidies, wind power still only provides about two percent of U.S. energy. Part of the problem is inherent. It takes a lot of turbines to produce the power that a single coal-fired or nuke plant can produce. So wind farms are going to comprise a lot of turbines…Read More