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Hate that Makes You Happy
*Few people can be happy unless they hate some other person, nation, or creed.
title: "Michael Fumento: Hate Mail, Volume 44" author: "Michael Fumento" publisher: "" date: "" tag: "hatemail" description: "" images: "["http://fumento.com/weblog/graphics/shim.gif", "http://www.fumento.com/weblog/graphics/shim.gif", "http://fumento.com/hml/44/hatemail44.gif", "http://fumento.com/hml/44/evilsmiley.jpg"]" url: "http://fumento.com/hatemail/hatemail44.html" filename: "michaelfumentohatemailvolume_44.md" hash: "f1d25d220aff537423d52bd7565ab9dc"
Hate that Makes You Happy
*Few people can be happy unless they hate some other person, nation, or creed.
' Bertrand Russell *
**Hurricane Katrina Hate ** [These were responses to a piece I wrote on media hysteria after Hurricane Katrina struck, in which I pointed out that there were just a handful of killings and no confirmed rapes despite horrific media tales saying otherwise. Apparently people feel that just as in the American criminal justice system every defendant deserves a lawyer, every idiocy or malfeasance on the part of the media should be defended as well.]
**Woe Unto Those Who Criticize the Goddess Oprah! **
Mr *[sic] *Fumento,
I've read your opinion in Saturday's paper with you pointing out the Oprah's special [Sic, he means Oprah Winfrey's special broadcast from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck] *and others. *[Sic, he means, that I noted that not only Oprah but others spread misinformation as to the extent of the catastrophe.]
It seems to me that you have focused your blame on Oprah's special all the while that CNN is STILL covering it.
That Mr. Fumento is perilous....
Greg Williams
*Dear Mr. Williams: *
Michael Fumento *
**No Doubts, Despite No Evidence **
Subj: Your 'Media Lied; People Died' Article
Good morning.
I read your article this morning and was apalled [sic] at what I read. Most disturbing to me was the presumption that if something wasn't "confirmed", then it didn't happen. While I have no doubt that press reports are not 100% accurate, and that sensationalism is sometimes the rule of the day, I don't believe that entire reports should be dismissed on a whim. What happened in New Orleans was a huge tragedy, and I have no doubt that people were murdered, women raped, and that gangs didn't suddenly become law abiding citizens. Human nature is not a kindly grandmother; it is just as often base and ruthless.
At the crux of this rant, for lack of a better word* [Actually, 'rant' works just fine]*, is that I believe more sensitivity needs to be shown to the victims of the disaster; and that dismissing all reports as nonsense irrevocably damages (even further) the lives of those who suffered further brutalization or humiliation once the hurricane was over.
I really don't care about who is "to blame". The reality of the situation is that many were harmed. Please don't sweep it under the rug.
Scott Manno
*Dear Mr. Manno: *
Michael Fumento *
**No Intelligence Here; Move Along **
Hey mister journalist. I'm sure glad you cleared up all that nonsense about the killings and rapes in New Orleans.
by [sic] the way, did you watch this CNN report?
*[URL for video showing four mutilated corpses omitted.] *
Nope, nothin' to see here, move along folks.
eqbanker@*[omitted] *
Well, ya got me cold mister banker. Just which claim did that video support? That *Editor & Publisher was correct in predicting as many as 40,000 dead? You're still 39, 996 shy. That CNN's Paula Zahn spoke accurately of "bands of rapists, going block to block"? That Geraldo Rivera was right in saying there were rapes and dead babies? Or that since-resigned Police Chief accurately told Oprah Winfrey that "little babies [are] getting raped"? Look again at the video. See any rape victims or dead little babies, or were you just fantasizing? *
Michael Fumento *
Environmental Hate ** I Agree with Whats-His-Face **
Your recent article* [refuting a connection between global warming and hurricanes]* stated: "Nevertheless, MIT climatologist Kerry Emanuel IS a scientist and stirred up a Category Five controversy with his recent letter in Nature claiming there's no trend in the frequency of hurricanes but 'future warming may lead to an upward trend in tropical cyclone *[hurricane] *destructive potential.'
Actually Emanuel said* [170 words omitted.] *
I read Enamuel's [sic] article and can't see how [professor of atmospheric science William] Gray can make such an extreme comment. To support Gray, one has to assume that Emmauel [sic] made fairly extreme assumptions in his study, but Emmauel [sic] *stated . . . [94 words omitted.] *
Dr. [omitted] Haines
*Dear Dr. Haines: *
Michael Fumento *
Dear Mike,
The spelling errors do not absolve you from correcting the scientific mischaracterizations in your article.
Dr.* [omitted]* Haines
*Dear Dr. Haines: *
Michael Fumento *
**Arrogance Becomes You **
There is a good answer to that question:
*[He doesn't state what 'question' he has in mind, but is responding to a column I wrote about the non-disaster of Chernobyl that ends up concluding we need to move forward with nuclear power.] *
Carl Goldberg
*Dear Mr. Goldberg: *
Michael Fumento *
Your arrogance is unbecoming.
*Yes, Mr. Goldberg, facts are arrogant things. *
**Solar Energy Meets Cold Fusion **
Solar works. Michael Fumento has it wrong.
Nuclear power plants produce a poison that cannot be rendered safe for thousands of years, costing billions to safeguard long after the poison has stopped making electricity. A nuclear power plant killed "only" 4000 people? Oh goody! Not much worse than 9/11, over which we have fought two wars!
But hey -- my solar roof has never killed anyone, nor is it likely to do so. Wonder which technology is more sensible? Its* [sic] a no brainer [sic], nuclear power is a poor technology. We need to forget it for good. [165 words omitted, in which he claims that his solar panels actually produce enough power to meet his needs and even those of his neighbors.] *
Roger H. Gray
Pasadena, CA
*Dear Mr. Gray: *
' My solar panels produce more energy than they take in!'
*[104 words omitted.] *
You don't have to believe that it is so, but my system is what it is and does what I say it does. You can no more deny it out of existance [sic] *than you could decline to except *[sic] the effects of gravity. I fail to see why you think our installation does not do what we say it does. You are welcome to see it any time. In any case. *[sic] *the more people that watch my electric meter running backward all day, the fewer see any sense in centralized generation, whatever the fuel source.
*[77 words omitted.] *
What a poor frightened little man, to respond with such anger and ignorance.
*Dear Mr. Gray: *
Michael Fumento *
*[Mi amigo Jaime Arbona did the math for me on this. At midday, when and if the sun is right above you, on a clear day with no clouds, each square meter of earth (or roof, in this case) gets about 1 kilowatt (kw) of power or 1 kilowatt-hour of energy. Present commercial solar cell technology is about 15% efficient at most, so we can use as electricity only about 0.15 kilowatts per square meter. This doesn't take into account that this is DC power and it must be converted to AC, meaning more lost energy. A modern medium-sized home needs at least 5 kilowatts of power available at any time to fire up the electric range, air conditioning unit, refrigerator, and assorted light bulbs. (Actually it needs about 10 kilowatts; I'm being very conservative.) That means to produce 5kw (at 0.15 kw/sq. meter) you'd need 33.3 square meters (358 square feet) of solar panels. What happens when it's not midday, or it's cloudy, or the panels are dirty (scientists refer to this as the "bird poop effect") is another thing. You'll need at least five times that area to compensate. In order to watch his electric meter running backward all day, he would need to turn everything off or specially rig his meter in a way in which the authorities might not approve.] *
**Global Warming DOES Create Wind! **
You might wind up eating your words, but luckily for you, not soon.
I've been reading the various sides of the scientific debate over global warming and hurricane intensity and/or frequency. I believe it would be reasonable to say that there IS a real debate, with the traditionalists denying any possibility of a linkage but a small and growing number of other scientists presenting peer reviewed papers suggesting such a linkage from multiple lines of evidence or models or theory.
*[8481 words of locally warmed air omitted.] *
Before that, scientists were being cited by "conservative columnists" to show that tobacco wasn't really linked to cancer.
*[42 more words gone up in smoke.] *
I wonder if you really read these kind of notes and rethink? Are there any conservtives *[sic] *of the classical sense anymore?
Z Stewart
*Dear Z: *
Michael Fumento *
Alas, no. It's not a fabrication, I did read that, but it was in newsprint a couple of decade [sic] ago, so it would take a lot of physical research to find it. Or money to subscribe to a service perhaps. You may have better sources to easily find it yourself, with older newspaper archives at your fingertips as a published columnist?
*[142 words of windom omitted.] *
Regards, Zhahai
*You failed. Go away. *
Michael Fumento *
**Jar! Those Darned Viking Hummers! **
Oh, wise conservative one, you are indeed correct that tar sands will become economically feasible, we have 500 years reserve left, and the all-knowing free market balances all things out.
I would note in passing that with 3 billion Chinese and Indians driving Hummers, the entire earth land mass will become subtropical *[the reference is to global warming], *obviating the need for heating fuel. Of course, when that blissful day arrives, we'll probably have to burn through a fortune in fossil fuels on air conditioning and irrigation (tow what's left of icebergs to L.A!), and another fortune moving inland, when most of Florida and the coastal cities of the north-east *[sic] *are 20 feet under water. (You know, New York and Washington under water really _is_ bad for business).
But hey, isn't the human free market just an extention [sic] of random chaos that's occured* [sic]* in nature for millenia* [sic]* anyway? Guzzle away, indeed.
Geologically-perspective'd progressive, over and out.
[omitted] Marangakis
*Dear Mr. Marangakis: *
Michael Fumento *
**First in His Class in Plagiarism **
You got the general principle right in your recent TCS article. A few details were amiss and/or missing.
Oil shale is a geologic formation that is very common in the US. It's also called kerogen. Oil sands are also called tar sands. This is a geologic formation that is very common in Alberta Canada and also in Venezuela. Extraction costs are estimated at approximately $11 per barrel. There are concerns about the availability of sufficient water to enable large scale extraction using current methods.
Another alternative you might be interested in is coal conversion [rest of paragraph omitted for being utterly irrelevant.]
Both these and other alternative energy systems form something of a long-term price ceiling for petroleum. When the persistent price exceeds the price ceiling, we'll switch. In fact, we've already started to.
TM Lucas
*Dear Mr. Lucas: *
Michael Fumento *
**Yes, Environmentalists Really Do Hate Affordable Energy **
Dear Mr. Fumento,
I'm surprised that your editors let your draft go into the public realm. I come from shale country, and was simply amazed at the naivet' of your article.
Michael- don't you love it when you read a pro-nuclear puff piece and you do a word search and the words "radioactivity" or "plutonium 239" or "accident" or "costs" never appear?
Or don't you love it when you read a pro-wind puff piece and the words "intermittency" and "transmission" never appear?
Imagine reading a puff piece on oil sands, and the words "carbon dioxide" or "environment" or "water" or "net energy" never appear? That's what happens in your article.
You are really misleading your readers, kind sir. I would recomment [sic] that you conduct more research and get back to your readers with your findings. I think you owe it to them.
No need to respond-- just wanted to get it off my chest.
MW Energy Solutions LLC
*Don't you just love it when people can't stick to the subject at hand because they know they have nothing substantive to say about it? I addressed only oil sands and in the context of using them to replace oil. As with the extraction and burning of all fossil fuels, oil sands produce carbon dioxide, affect the environment, and use water. As far as net energy goes, all energy requires some energy to make. But insofar as oil sands don't receive subsidies (unlike gasohol, with which so many greens are enamored) and produces such tidy profits, obviously it produces substantial net energy. Apparently the 'MW' in your company's name stands for 'More Wasteful.' *
Michael Fumento *
*[This is one of those cases where I recognize from the first letter that inside an apparently sane if hypocritical man there's a raving lunatic desperately try to emerge. My job was to help that lunatic get out. Mission accomplished.] *
**Dial 'H' for Hypocrite **
I smoked cigarettes for 20 years, and I quit over 20 years ago. I live in California, where smoking in public indoor spaces is simply banned -- banned in bars, restaurants, the work-place, theaters, meeting halls -- any public building. And that is the way it should be.
The stench from one of those things -- which is not a tobacco product [I still enjoy an occasional good cigar or occasional pipe-load of Virginia burley], as such, [Burley is a variety of tobacco that is no less harmful than other varieties] but a medium for delivering nicotine and carcinogens -- is disgusting, repellent, and revolting from as far as 50 paces. I walk through a gauntlet of smokers on the sidewalk, and the wretched impact of breathing the smoke from the loiterers in the street is revolting. I suppose they should be allowed to smoke somewhere, but I wish it were simply illegal.
'Passive smoking (from cigarettes) must be outlawed!'
I have had to leave apartments because of cigarette smokers; I have had to seek out a non-smoking apartment building -- thankfully, there are a few.
Something that causes cancer, is addictive, and harms others who live with smokers, should be illegal. If pot is illegal, then cigarettes should certainly be.
You can call the anti-smoking movement "jihadist" if you want, but it's nothing more than common sense and self-defense.
Looking over your Web [sic] site, I conclude that what you amount to is an industry stooge.
*[omitted] *Conger
*Dear Mr. Conger: *
Michael Fumento *
Dear Mr. Fumento,
(A very droll and appropriate name, under the circumstances, if I may say so.)
Let me make something very clear to you. [865 words of smokescreen omitted.]
Your attack on me is strictly ad hominem, circumstantial. *[277 more words omitted.] *
Dear Mr. Conger:
For your edification, my name appears in two languages. In Portuguese it means to create. That's why there's a Portuguese Banco di Fumento. In Italian, it means to ferment or brew. It often appears before the Italian word for beer. I am of Italian descent (though some of my ancestors went to Portugal), therefore I am probably descended from beer brewers. During the Middle Ages, when Europeans began to take last names, which were often based on their trades, beer had a different purpose than now. Fermenting either wine or beer was a means of killing germs in drinking liquids back when people dumped their sewage into their water supply. Fermenting killed germs; hence, my ancestors were lifesavers and that's the origin of my droll name. I do thank you, however, for considering it appropriate. As for you, a Conger is an eel. It's slimly and ugly and slips and slides all over the place. A very droll and appropriate name, under the circumstances, if I may say so. *
Personally, I'd rather be a brewer
*My attack on you was neither circumstantial nor ad hominem. Your use of circumstantial is nonsensical. As to ad hominem, an example of that would be saying Don't listen to Conger's arguments; after all, he enjoys sex with waterfowl. Male waterfowl. Underage male waterfowl. *
Michael Fumento *
Dear Mr. Fumento:
I was trying to inject some humor and perhaps steer this colloquy away from being a pissing contest, but I can see that will not work. *[He's right; it won't. 1, 123 words omitted due to overly high urea content.] *
[omitted] Conger
P.S. In Portuguese, "to create" is para criar, and in Italian, "to ferment" is per fermentare. In a debate, one does best to get his facts and his logic in good order.
Dear Mr. Conger:
Michael Fumento *
Again, you fail to address the issue, which was not, in the first place, your family name. You refused to address my reasoning, and rather choose to abuse me over the matter of names. It is appropriate that you should be preoccupied with such matters, as you certainly cannot discern what is pertinent from what is not. You got everything wrong as to the issue we were arguing; I proved that your reasoning is faulty; so you can come back only with a load of horseshit concerning your bloody, unimportant name.* [107 hysterical words omitted.] *You prove, again, with your name-calling and personal abuse that you are hopelessly addicted to ad hominem arguments of the lowest description, and that when you are out-reasoned, you turn to abuse, as when a skunk has lost the game of pursuit and can only turn his tail to create a horrible stench.
I've been reading more of your Web *[sic] *site, and I see that I was right to begin with.
The only thing more despicable and slimy than a paid industry stooge is a free-lance, volunteer industry stooge, and that is what you are. You make me puke.
I don't have time for an asshole like you, not one day at a time, not one minute more. I had thought perhaps you would abandon your churlish asininity, but I see clearly, now, that it comprises your entire mind and personality.
*Dear Mr. Conger: *
Michael Fumento *
Gulf War Syndrome Hate ** ** Perhaps He Would Prefer Humble Bullshit
I think you are a big cunt-- I am so sick of seeing your arrogant bullshit about GWS -- if you are so smart, which you think you are, then why is it that many vets are sick *[sic] *
molly1234@*[omitted] *
*Dear Mike, *
Well that's good I got your attention --* [In a rather pathetic manner.]* I can't say that just because someone is sick is automatically* [sic]* something from serving in the gulf [sic] or GWS but in my case I did not ever go to the gulf [sic] but was prepared by certain vaccinations that are very controversial and the same day I recieved [sic] these unproven vaccines, I did get sick and to this day I am still sick with my illnesses being very unusual and do replicate GWS*[As indeed they would have to, since GWS includes every symptom ever identified.] *I don't believe everything that people claim but living with what I am it leads me to believe that I became sick from these vaccinations-- So I have read alot *[sic] *of your letters and you seem to state that no one has a basis of a claim of unusual illnesses but you can't seem to be of assistance to anyone with your superior knowledge as to the high percentage of illnesses and the fact that the VA does benefit veterans with these so called "undiagnosed" illnesses!
High percentage of illness? I don't think so. Always trust data before rumors. Here are the data:
Once again as I see is your theme, you don't address an individuals* [sic]* specific problems-- OK let me say low percentage of illness but to be fair, the new insert with the anthrax vaccine is stating up to 35% rate of side effects!!
Michael Fumento *
OK little bitch have a nice life and REMEMBER what comes around goes around [Sic, the expression is What goes around, comes around.] oh* [sic]*, by the way ask your wife if she wants her stanky panties back!! *[Apparently, stanky is a superlative of stinky, as in stinky, stanky, stankiest.] *
**More from the Walking Wounded **
Mr. Fumento,
Your are truly an ass.
Sincerley [sic],
*[omitted] *Johnson
US Army 1983-1991
(Medically Retired)
*Dear Mr. Johnson: *
**Stem Cell Hate ** Dear Michael,
Like Nancy Reagan, and like Christopher Reeve, I may not have a medical background either, but I have personally spoken with several different physicians including a few neurologists at Washington University here in St. Louis, and every single one of them have told me that Bush's ban on stem cell research has set back science here in the United States to a very sad standstill in many ways.* [Is it a setback or a standstill; it can't be both.]* My mother has Parkinson's Disease [sic], and I do believe that after attending lectures on the topic of stem cell research and speaking personally with some very smart educated people on the topic, that you are quite wrong in your thinking. It is very sad to think that we could go so very far in this area and help so very many people, but that we are not doing so just because of one stubborn and misguided man's decision. I would hope that you would confer with other highly educated people on this topic, and see what they have to say.
*[omitted] *Brownstein
*Dear Mr. Brownstein: *
Michael Fumento *
**Human Hate ** ** The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Morons **
Have you seen the video of the animals at Covance? Please take a look before your defend this horrendous treatment of these poor animals.
*Liesl [omitted] *
Michael Fumento *
Please check out the video on Peta.org
It will make you cry. I haven't been able to get these images of these poor monkeys out my mind. I just can't believe my eyes.
Liesl *[omitted] *
*Dear Liesl: *
Michael Fumento *
Please check out the video and you will see they are not well kept.
Check out this video and please..no need to be nasty.
*Dear Liesl: *
Michael Fumento *
**AIDS Hate ** ** Subject: HIV = AIDS Myth **
Have you read the works of Peter Duesberg or Eleni Papadoulos? Both show a complete refutation of the HIV=AIDS hypothosis.AIDS [sic] is shown to be a collection of 30 different diseases with over 99% caused by Heavy [sic] legal/illegal drug abuse or in the case of Hemophiliacs* [sic], foreign particulates in commercial clotting factors. AIDS in Heavy [sic]* drug abusers is cured by elimination of "fast-track" lifestyle factors.
[87 words fast-tracked.]
I am 25 year old homosexual man, not given to flights of sheer speculative fancy.
*[45 words of sheer speculative fancy omitted.] *
Even if you write me off as of [sic] my rocker, please consider the Duesberg and Papadoulos literature. These are not quacks honking [sic] snake oil for AIDS denial.
*[43 words written off.] *
respectfully yours
[omitted] Tobin
*Dear Mr. Tobin: *
Michael Fumento *
**Miscellaneous Hate ** Subject: Taffic [sic] camera company flacks have you suckered, sir.
Dear Mr. Fumento. [sic]
Your book, Myth of Heterosexual Aids [sic] , is a courageous and towering work, so it pains me to tell you that you have been bamboozled in the matter of traffic cameras, used to catch people who are running red lights. The shortest way to demonstrate this to you is to say that these creeps who set up the traffic cameras also arrange to SHORTEN THE TIME SPAN FOR THE YELLOW LIGHT as to increase the number of 'violators', and increase the amount of money made by the city in traffic fines. Don't blindly believe me, read the writers at Car and Driver magazine. Patrick Bedard is most persuasive on this point.
Craig Reid
First, let's kill all the traffic lights!
*Dear Mr. Reid: *
Michael Fumento *
** Hate Mail Hate ** **Give 'em a Break; They're Suffering from Wickedness Syndrome **
Ref: your response to MMR hate mail on your website.
I'm sure a lot of people would have more respect for you if you responded to your hate mail without sarcasm or silly pictures. These are parents of ill children, not trained journalists like yourself, and you do yourself no credit with the contemptible and superior manner in which you treat them.
I look forward to reading your future articles.
Nigel Thomas
*Sir: *
your baby killing toy called vaccination (yes 666 funnily enough) is due to end one day, so your satantic* [sic] *toy is going to burn in heaven asshole
*Or: *
'You are a complete asshole!
*Or: *
'May God have mercy on your soul for all the damage you have done with your article.
*Or: *
Thanks for joining the fray. Unfortunately you sound like Howard Stern. Maybe sensationalism will get you some publicity.
*Or: *
Such massive ignorance I have yet to behold in a reporter as in your article.
*Or: *
Dr. Wakefield heals; it is my unequivocal belief that perennially vindictive individuals such as you 'have blood on their hands.
*Or: *
You are so blind and so stupid.
*You obviously believe people should be judged on the basis of something other than their actions. I obviously disagree. It is rare in life that people get what they deserve; at least in this instance these people did. In fact, even now I am judging you on the basis of your actions. I'm sure a lot of people would have more respect for you if paid a little more attention to what you write, rather than making a doomed effort to defend the indefensible. *
Michael Fumento * Bertrand Russell *
**Hurricane Katrina Hate ** [These were responses to a piece I wrote on media hysteria after Hurricane Katrina struck, in which I pointed out that there were just a handful of killings and no confirmed rapes despite horrific media tales saying otherwise. Apparently people feel that just as in the American criminal justice system every defendant deserves a lawyer, every idiocy or malfeasance on the part of the media should be defended as well.]
**Woe Unto Those Who Criticize the Goddess Oprah! **
Mr *[sic] *Fumento,
I've read your opinion in Saturday's paper with you pointing out the Oprah�s special [Sic, he means Oprah Winfrey�s special broadcast from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck] *and others. *[Sic, he means, that I noted that not only Oprah but others spread misinformation as to the extent of the catastrophe.]
It seems to me that you have focused your blame on Oprah's special all the while that CNN is STILL covering it.
That Mr. Fumento is perilous....
Greg Williams
*Dear Mr. Williams: *
Michael Fumento *
**No Doubts, Despite No Evidence **
Subj: Your �Media Lied; People Died� Article
Good morning.
I read your article this morning and was apalled [sic] at what I read. Most disturbing to me was the presumption that if something wasn't "confirmed", then it didn't happen. While I have no doubt that press reports are not 100% accurate, and that sensationalism is sometimes the rule of the day, I don't believe that entire reports should be dismissed on a whim. What happened in New Orleans was a huge tragedy, and I have no doubt that people were murdered, women raped, and that gangs didn't suddenly become law abiding citizens. Human nature is not a kindly grandmother; it is just as often base and ruthless.
At the crux of this rant, for lack of a better word* [Actually, �rant� works just fine]*, is that I believe more sensitivity needs to be shown to the victims of the disaster; and that dismissing all reports as nonsense irrevocably damages (even further) the lives of those who suffered further brutalization or humiliation once the hurricane was over.
I really don't care about who is "to blame". The reality of the situation is that many were harmed. Please don't sweep it under the rug.
Scott Manno
*Dear Mr. Manno: *
Michael Fumento *
**No Intelligence Here; Move Along **
Hey mister journalist. I'm sure glad you cleared up all that nonsense about the killings and rapes in New Orleans.
by [sic] the way, did you watch this CNN report?
*[URL for video showing four mutilated corpses omitted.] *
Nope, nothin' to see here, move along folks.
eqbanker@*[omitted] *
Well, ya got me cold mister banker. Just which claim did that video support? That *Editor & Publisher was correct in predicting as many as 40,000 dead? You�re still 39, 996 shy. That CNN�s Paula Zahn spoke accurately of "bands of rapists, going block to block"? That Geraldo Rivera was right in saying there were rapes and dead babies? Or that since-resigned Police Chief accurately told Oprah Winfrey that "little babies [are] getting raped"? Look again at the video. See any rape victims or dead little babies, or were you just fantasizing? *
Michael Fumento *
Environmental Hate ** I Agree with Whats-His-Face **
Your recent article* [refuting a connection between global warming and hurricanes]* stated: "Nevertheless, MIT climatologist Kerry Emanuel IS a scientist and stirred up a Category Five controversy with his recent letter in Nature claiming there�s no trend in the frequency of hurricanes but �future warming may lead to an upward trend in tropical cyclone *[hurricane] *destructive potential.�
Actually Emanuel said* [170 words omitted.] *
I read Enamuel's [sic] article and can't see how [professor of atmospheric science William] Gray can make such an extreme comment. To support Gray, one has to assume that Emmauel [sic] made fairly extreme assumptions in his study, but Emmauel [sic] *stated . . . [94 words omitted.] *
Dr. [omitted] Haines
*Dear Dr. Haines: *
Michael Fumento *
Dear Mike,
The spelling errors do not absolve you from correcting the scientific mischaracterizations in your article.
Dr.* [omitted]* Haines
*Dear Dr. Haines: *
Michael Fumento *
**Arrogance Becomes You **
There is a good answer to that question:
*[He doesn�t state what �question� he has in mind, but is responding to a column I wrote about the non-disaster of Chernobyl that ends up concluding we need to move forward with nuclear power.] *
Carl Goldberg
*Dear Mr. Goldberg: *
Michael Fumento *
Your arrogance is unbecoming.
*Yes, Mr. Goldberg, facts are arrogant things. *
**Solar Energy Meets Cold Fusion **
Solar works. Michael Fumento has it wrong.
Nuclear power plants produce a poison that cannot be rendered safe for thousands of years, costing billions to safeguard long after the poison has stopped making electricity. A nuclear power plant killed "only" 4000 people? Oh goody! Not much worse than 9/11, over which we have fought two wars!
But hey -- my solar roof has never killed anyone, nor is it likely to do so. Wonder which technology is more sensible? Its* [sic] a no brainer [sic], nuclear power is a poor technology. We need to forget it for good. [165 words omitted, in which he claims that his solar panels actually produce enough power to meet his needs and even those of his neighbors.] *
Roger H. Gray
Pasadena, CA
*Dear Mr. Gray: *
� My solar panels produce more energy than they take in!�
*[104 words omitted.] *
You don't have to believe that it is so, but my system is what it is and does what I say it does. You can no more deny it out of existance [sic] *than you could decline to except *[sic] the effects of gravity. I fail to see why you think our installation does not do what we say it does. You are welcome to see it any time. In any case. *[sic] *the more people that watch my electric meter running backward all day, the fewer see any sense in centralized generation, whatever the fuel source.
*[77 words omitted.] *
What a poor frightened little man, to respond with such anger and ignorance.
*Dear Mr. Gray: *
Michael Fumento *
*[Mi amigo Jaime Arbona did the math for me on this. At midday, when and if the sun is right above you, on a clear day with no clouds, each square meter of earth (or roof, in this case) gets about 1 kilowatt (kw) of power or 1 kilowatt-hour of energy. Present commercial solar cell technology is about 15% efficient at most, so we can use as electricity only about 0.15 kilowatts per square meter. This doesn't take into account that this is DC power and it must be converted to AC, meaning more lost energy. A modern medium-sized home needs at least 5 kilowatts of power available at any time to fire up the electric range, air conditioning unit, refrigerator, and assorted light bulbs. (Actually it needs about 10 kilowatts; I'm being very conservative.) That means to produce 5kw (at 0.15 kw/sq. meter) you'd need 33.3 square meters (358 square feet) of solar panels. What happens when it's not midday, or it's cloudy, or the panels are dirty (scientists refer to this as the "bird poop effect") is another thing. You'll need at least five times that area to compensate. In order to watch his electric meter running backward all day, he would need to turn everything off or specially rig his meter in a way in which the authorities might not approve.] *
**Global Warming DOES Create Wind! **
You might wind up eating your words, but luckily for you, not soon.
I've been reading the various sides of the scientific debate over global warming and hurricane intensity and/or frequency. I believe it would be reasonable to say that there IS a real debate, with the traditionalists denying any possibility of a linkage but a small and growing number of other scientists presenting peer reviewed papers suggesting such a linkage from multiple lines of evidence or models or theory.
*[8481 words of locally warmed air omitted.] *
Before that, scientists were being cited by "conservative columnists" to show that tobacco wasn't really linked to cancer.
*[42 more words gone up in smoke.] *
I wonder if you really read these kind of notes and rethink? Are there any conservtives *[sic] *of the classical sense anymore?
Z Stewart
*Dear Z: *
Michael Fumento *
Alas, no. It's not a fabrication, I did read that, but it was in newsprint a couple of decade [sic] ago, so it would take a lot of physical research to find it. Or money to subscribe to a service perhaps. You may have better sources to easily find it yourself, with older newspaper archives at your fingertips as a published columnist?
*[142 words of windom omitted.] *
Regards, Zhahai
*You failed. Go away. *
Michael Fumento *
**Jar! Those Darned Viking Hummers! **
Oh, wise conservative one, you are indeed correct that tar sands will become economically feasible, we have 500 years reserve left, and the all-knowing free market balances all things out.
I would note in passing that with 3 billion Chinese and Indians driving Hummers, the entire earth land mass will become subtropical *[the reference is to global warming], *obviating the need for heating fuel. Of course, when that blissful day arrives, we�ll probably have to burn through a fortune in fossil fuels on air conditioning and irrigation (tow what�s left of icebergs to L.A!), and another fortune moving inland, when most of Florida and the coastal cities of the north-east *[sic] *are 20 feet under water. (You know, New York and Washington under water really _is_ bad for business).
But hey, isn't the human free market just an extention [sic] of random chaos that�s occured* [sic]* in nature for millenia* [sic]* anyway? Guzzle away, indeed.
Geologically-perspective'd progressive, over and out.
[omitted] Marangakis
*Dear Mr. Marangakis: *
Michael Fumento *
**First in His Class in Plagiarism **
You got the general principle right in your recent TCS article. A few details were amiss and/or missing.
Oil shale is a geologic formation that is very common in the US. It's also called kerogen. Oil sands are also called tar sands. This is a geologic formation that is very common in Alberta Canada and also in Venezuela. Extraction costs are estimated at approximately $11 per barrel. There are concerns about the availability of sufficient water to enable large scale extraction using current methods.
Another alternative you might be interested in is coal conversion [rest of paragraph omitted for being utterly irrelevant.]
Both these and other alternative energy systems form something of a long-term price ceiling for petroleum. When the persistent price exceeds the price ceiling, we'll switch. In fact, we've already started to.
TM Lucas
*Dear Mr. Lucas: *
Michael Fumento *
**Yes, Environmentalists Really Do Hate Affordable Energy **
Dear Mr. Fumento,
I'm surprised that your editors let your draft go into the public realm. I come from shale country, and was simply amazed at the naivet� of your article.
Michael- don't you love it when you read a pro-nuclear puff piece and you do a word search and the words "radioactivity" or "plutonium 239" or "accident" or "costs" never appear?
Or don't you love it when you read a pro-wind puff piece and the words "intermittency" and "transmission" never appear?
Imagine reading a puff piece on oil sands, and the words "carbon dioxide" or "environment" or "water" or "net energy" never appear? That's what happens in your article.
You are really misleading your readers, kind sir. I would recomment [sic] that you conduct more research and get back to your readers with your findings. I think you owe it to them.
No need to respond-- just wanted to get it off my chest.
MW Energy Solutions LLC
*Don�t you just love it when people can�t stick to the subject at hand because they know they have nothing substantive to say about it? I addressed only oil sands and in the context of using them to replace oil. As with the extraction and burning of all fossil fuels, oil sands produce carbon dioxide, affect the environment, and use water. As far as net energy goes, all energy requires some energy to make. But insofar as oil sands don�t receive subsidies (unlike gasohol, with which so many greens are enamored) and produces such tidy profits, obviously it produces substantial net energy. Apparently the �MW� in your company�s name stands for �More Wasteful.� *
Michael Fumento *
*[This is one of those cases where I recognize from the first letter that inside an apparently sane if hypocritical man there�s a raving lunatic desperately try to emerge. My job was to help that lunatic get out. Mission accomplished.] *
**Dial �H� for Hypocrite **
I smoked cigarettes for 20 years, and I quit over 20 years ago. I live in California, where smoking in public indoor spaces is simply banned -- banned in bars, restaurants, the work-place, theaters, meeting halls -- any public building. And that is the way it should be.
The stench from one of those things -- which is not a tobacco product [I still enjoy an occasional good cigar or occasional pipe-load of Virginia burley], as such, [Burley is a variety of tobacco that is no less harmful than other varieties] but a medium for delivering nicotine and carcinogens -- is disgusting, repellent, and revolting from as far as 50 paces. I walk through a gauntlet of smokers on the sidewalk, and the wretched impact of breathing the smoke from the loiterers in the street is revolting. I suppose they should be allowed to smoke somewhere, but I wish it were simply illegal.
�Passive smoking (from cigarettes) must be outlawed!�
I have had to leave apartments because of cigarette smokers; I have had to seek out a non-smoking apartment building -- thankfully, there are a few.
Something that causes cancer, is addictive, and harms others who live with smokers, should be illegal. If pot is illegal, then cigarettes should certainly be.
You can call the anti-smoking movement "jihadist" if you want, but it's nothing more than common sense and self-defense.
Looking over your Web [sic] site, I conclude that what you amount to is an industry stooge.
*[omitted] *Conger
*Dear Mr. Conger: *
Michael Fumento *
Dear Mr. Fumento,
(A very droll and appropriate name, under the circumstances, if I may say so.)
Let me make something very clear to you. [865 words of smokescreen omitted.]
Your attack on me is strictly ad hominem, circumstantial. *[277 more words omitted.] *
Dear Mr. Conger:
For your edification, my name appears in two languages. In Portuguese it means to create. That's why there's a Portuguese Banco di Fumento. In Italian, it means to ferment or brew. It often appears before the Italian word for beer. I am of Italian descent (though some of my ancestors went to Portugal), therefore I am probably descended from beer brewers. During the Middle Ages, when Europeans began to take last names, which were often based on their trades, beer had a different purpose than now. Fermenting either wine or beer was a means of killing germs in drinking liquids back when people dumped their sewage into their water supply. Fermenting killed germs; hence, my ancestors were lifesavers and that's the origin of my droll name. I do thank you, however, for considering it appropriate. As for you, a Conger is an eel. It's slimly and ugly and slips and slides all over the place. A very droll and appropriate name, under the circumstances, if I may say so. *
Personally, I'd rather be a brewer
*My attack on you was neither circumstantial nor ad hominem. Your use of circumstantial is nonsensical. As to ad hominem, an example of that would be saying Don't listen to Conger's arguments; after all, he enjoys sex with waterfowl. Male waterfowl. Underage male waterfowl. *
Michael Fumento *
Dear Mr. Fumento:
I was trying to inject some humor and perhaps steer this colloquy away from being a pissing contest, but I can see that will not work. *[He's right; it won't. 1, 123 words omitted due to overly high urea content.] *
[omitted] Conger
P.S. In Portuguese, "to create" is para criar, and in Italian, "to ferment" is per fermentare. In a debate, one does best to get his facts and his logic in good order.
Dear Mr. Conger:
Michael Fumento *
Again, you fail to address the issue, which was not, in the first place, your family name. You refused to address my reasoning, and rather choose to abuse me over the matter of names. It is appropriate that you should be preoccupied with such matters, as you certainly cannot discern what is pertinent from what is not. You got everything wrong as to the issue we were arguing; I proved that your reasoning is faulty; so you can come back only with a load of horseshit concerning your bloody, unimportant name.* [107 hysterical words omitted.] *You prove, again, with your name-calling and personal abuse that you are hopelessly addicted to ad hominem arguments of the lowest description, and that when you are out-reasoned, you turn to abuse, as when a skunk has lost the game of pursuit and can only turn his tail to create a horrible stench.
I've been reading more of your Web *[sic] *site, and I see that I was right to begin with.
The only thing more despicable and slimy than a paid industry stooge is a free-lance, volunteer industry stooge, and that is what you are. You make me puke.
I don't have time for an asshole like you, not one day at a time, not one minute more. I had thought perhaps you would abandon your churlish asininity, but I see clearly, now, that it comprises your entire mind and personality.
*Dear Mr. Conger: *
Michael Fumento *
Gulf War Syndrome Hate ** ** Perhaps He Would Prefer Humble Bullshit
I think you are a big cunt-- I am so sick of seeing your arrogant bullshit about GWS -- if you are so smart, which you think you are, then why is it that many vets are sick *[sic] *
molly1234@*[omitted] *
*Dear Mike, *
Well that�s good I got your attention --* [In a rather pathetic manner.]* I can't say that just because someone is sick is automatically* [sic]* something from serving in the gulf [sic] or GWS but in my case I did not ever go to the gulf [sic] but was prepared by certain vaccinations that are very controversial and the same day I recieved [sic] these unproven vaccines, I did get sick and to this day I am still sick with my illnesses being very unusual and do replicate GWS*[As indeed they would have to, since GWS includes every symptom ever identified.] *I don't believe everything that people claim but living with what I am it leads me to believe that I became sick from these vaccinations-- So I have read alot *[sic] *of your letters and you seem to state that no one has a basis of a claim of unusual illnesses but you can't seem to be of assistance to anyone with your superior knowledge as to the high percentage of illnesses and the fact that the VA does benefit veterans with these so called "undiagnosed" illnesses!
High percentage of illness? I don't think so. Always trust data before rumors. Here are the data:
Once again as I see is your theme, you don't address an individuals* [sic]* specific problems-- OK let me say low percentage of illness but to be fair, the new insert with the anthrax vaccine is stating up to 35% rate of side effects!!
Michael Fumento *
OK little bitch have a nice life and REMEMBER what comes around goes around [Sic, the expression is What goes around, comes around.] oh* [sic]*, by the way ask your wife if she wants her stanky panties back!! *[Apparently, stanky is a superlative of stinky, as in stinky, stanky, stankiest.] *
**More from the Walking Wounded **
Mr. Fumento,
Your are truly an ass.
Sincerley [sic],
*[omitted] *Johnson
US Army 1983-1991
(Medically Retired)
*Dear Mr. Johnson: *
**Stem Cell Hate ** Dear Michael,
Like Nancy Reagan, and like Christopher Reeve, I may not have a medical background either, but I have personally spoken with several different physicians including a few neurologists at Washington University here in St. Louis, and every single one of them have told me that Bush's ban on stem cell research has set back science here in the United States to a very sad standstill in many ways.* [Is it a setback or a standstill; it can't be both.]* My mother has Parkinson's Disease [sic], and I do believe that after attending lectures on the topic of stem cell research and speaking personally with some very smart educated people on the topic, that you are quite wrong in your thinking. It is very sad to think that we could go so very far in this area and help so very many people, but that we are not doing so just because of one stubborn and misguided man's decision. I would hope that you would confer with other highly educated people on this topic, and see what they have to say.
*[omitted] *Brownstein
*Dear Mr. Brownstein: *
Michael Fumento *
**Human Hate ** ** The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Morons **
Have you seen the video of the animals at Covance? Please take a look before your defend this horrendous treatment of these poor animals.
*Liesl [omitted] *
Michael Fumento *
Please check out the video on Peta.org
It will make you cry. I haven't been able to get these images of these poor monkeys out my mind. I just can�t believe my eyes.
Liesl *[omitted] *
*Dear Liesl: *
Michael Fumento *
Please check out the video and you will see they are not well kept.
Check out this video and please..no need to be nasty.
*Dear Liesl: *
Michael Fumento *
**AIDS Hate ** ** Subject: HIV = AIDS Myth **
Have you read the works of Peter Duesberg or Eleni Papadoulos? Both show a complete refutation of the HIV=AIDS hypothosis.AIDS [sic] is shown to be a collection of 30 different diseases with over 99% caused by Heavy [sic] legal/illegal drug abuse or in the case of Hemophiliacs* [sic], foreign particulates in commercial clotting factors. AIDS in Heavy [sic]* drug abusers is cured by elimination of "fast-track" lifestyle factors.
[87 words fast-tracked.]
I am 25 year old homosexual man, not given to flights of sheer speculative fancy.
*[45 words of sheer speculative fancy omitted.] *
Even if you write me off as of [sic] my rocker, please consider the Duesberg and Papadoulos literature. These are not quacks honking [sic] snake oil for AIDS denial.
*[43 words written off.] *
respectfully yours
[omitted] Tobin
*Dear Mr. Tobin: *
Michael Fumento *
**Miscellaneous Hate ** Subject: Taffic [sic] camera company flacks have you suckered, sir.
Dear Mr. Fumento. [sic]
Your book, Myth of Heterosexual Aids [sic] , is a courageous and towering work, so it pains me to tell you that you have been bamboozled in the matter of traffic cameras, used to catch people who are running red lights. The shortest way to demonstrate this to you is to say that these creeps who set up the traffic cameras also arrange to SHORTEN THE TIME SPAN FOR THE YELLOW LIGHT as to increase the number of 'violators', and increase the amount of money made by the city in traffic fines. Don�t blindly believe me, read the writers at Car and Driver magazine. Patrick Bedard is most persuasive on this point.
Craig Reid
First, let's kill all the traffic lights!
*Dear Mr. Reid: *
Michael Fumento *
** Hate Mail Hate ** **Give �em a Break; They�re Suffering from Wickedness Syndrome **
Ref: your response to MMR hate mail on your website.
I'm sure a lot of people would have more respect for you if you responded to your hate mail without sarcasm or silly pictures. These are parents of ill children, not trained journalists like yourself, and you do yourself no credit with the contemptible and superior manner in which you treat them.
I look forward to reading your future articles.
Nigel Thomas
*Sir: *
your baby killing toy called vaccination (yes 666 funnily enough) is due to end one day, so your satantic* [sic] *toy is going to burn in heaven asshole
*Or: *
�You are a complete asshole!
*Or: *
�May God have mercy on your soul for all the damage you have done with your article.
*Or: *
Thanks for joining the fray. Unfortunately you sound like Howard Stern. Maybe sensationalism will get you some publicity.
*Or: *
Such massive ignorance I have yet to behold in a reporter as in your article.
*Or: *
Dr. Wakefield heals; it is my unequivocal belief that perennially vindictive individuals such as you �have blood on their hands.
*Or: *
You are so blind and so stupid.
*You obviously believe people should be judged on the basis of something other than their actions. I obviously disagree. It is rare in life that people get what they deserve; at least in this instance these people did. In fact, even now I am judging you on the basis of your actions. I'm sure a lot of people would have more respect for you if paid a little more attention to what you write, rather than making a doomed effort to defend the indefensible. *